Corporate Support

We value our corporate sponsors and love aligning with companies that recognize the value in our work and wish to contribute. Examples of a company’s giving power include:

Cause Marketing

A marketing program that highlights York Region Women’s Foundation. A good example is certain products will have a YWRF flower ribbon. We will gain awareness and a percentage of sales. The company typically attracts new customers that want to support the cause.

Matching Gifts

These are especially lucrative when you have a large number of advocates for your cause on a company’s payroll.

Non-cash Gifts

A company can provide needed expertise or products to further the mission of the nonprofit.

Workplace Giving

With payroll giving programs you may have the opportunity to present your mission face to face with every person in a company. While $2 or $5 monthly from an individual may not seem like much, it really adds up if half the staff is giving.

Customer Giving

Businesses with retail locations present new opportunities to get their customers involved in giving to YRWF at their cash registers. Companies look like a great corporate citizen, but haven’t had to invest money: All the donations come from their customers.


Companies can supply YWRF with teams and participants who will fundraise for events, day-of-event volunteers, executive volunteers for boards or committees and program volunteers.

Contact us to learn more about how your company can get involved with the York Region Women’s Foundation.

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